How we are published
We are a so-called Platinum Open-Access journal. Readers pay no fees, and neither do authors. We strongly believe that access to ideas developed with the aim of addressing important transport-related challenges should not be restricted to those individuals and institutions that are able to pay publishers large (subscription) fees.
We are an internet-only journal. Most scholars would say that the internet has replaced hardcopy material as the foremost scholarly medium of communication and dissemination. We agree with this view. The open-access, internet-only format brings important practical advantages to our authors and readers:
- There are no Article Process Charges (APC) and Submission Charges for authors
- Authors can disseminate their published work easily to colleagues around the world, without any formal restriction. They can also freely use their published EJTIR-papers for educational purposes.
- Authors benefit from the internet-based format as it allows us to drastically reduce turnaround times. Compared to most other journals in our field, EJTIR’s review and publication process is about twice as fast.
- Readers can freely access our papers from wherever they are: the only requirement is access to the internet. In turn, the accessibility of papers published in EJTIR increases their potential impact.