Between Delft and Stockholm


  • Brady Burroughs KTH Stockholm
  • Katatrina Bonnevier KTH Stockholm
  • Hélène Frichot KTH Stockholm
  • Katja Grillner KTH Stockholm



Over the years, colleagues at the Architecture School of Stockholm have developed a most remarkable and inspiring approach to architecture and writing in terms of performances and the performative while integrating feminist and queer theory. Of particular interest are the Critical Studies in Architecture group, the group Fatale for feminist architecture theory and practice, and the Mycket collaboration. By way of an interview between Footprint editors Dirk van den Heuvel and Robert Gorny, and the Stockholm colleagues Brady Burroughs, Katarina Bonnevier, Katja Grillner, and Hélène Frichot questions of pedagogy, research and methodology are further investigated, how to ‘stay with the trouble’ and where to situate newly emerging knowledge models.

Author Biography

Brady Burroughs, KTH Stockholm

Katarina Bonnevier, Brady Burroughs, Hélène Frichot, and Katja Grillner each have different positions, institutional affiliations and professional collaborations; however, they are all trained as architects and doctors of philosophy, and share an interest in critical theory combined with experimental writing practices. Likewise, they share political, ethical and social concerns, where feminist and queer theory intersect with the discipline of architecture. These diverge from, but are in no way limited to, their connections to the School of Architecture at KTH, The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, where each has participated in architectural research and education within Critical Studies.


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