New Figurations in Architecture Theory: From Queer Performance to Becoming Trans


  • Robert Alexander Gorny Delft University of Technology
  • Dirk van den Heuvel Delft University of Technology



The editorial introduction to this Footprint issue maps some of the latest developments in the field of queer studies and the realm of architecture and urban design. The aim is for a productive exhange between the fields since queer theory can be instrumental in moving beyond the heteronormative dominance in architectural thinking, which is characterized by an essentialist approach based on binary notions, rather than an understanding of architecture as an interface in material processes of becoming and producing differences. After a brief discussion of the history of exchanges between queer studies and architectural history and theory, the authors propose to complement the notion of queering with the new developments in the field of trans studies, which propose to rethink architecture in terms of a materialist understanding of buildings as bodies which are in a constant flux of change and becoming instead of fixed and stable objects or identities.

Author Biographies

Robert Alexander Gorny, Delft University of Technology

Robert Alexander Gorny is currently a guest teacher and PhD candidate at the Chair of Methods and Analysis, Department of Architecture, TU Delft. He is founder of relationalthought, a nomadic architectural practice that operates at the very intersection of theory and practice. It aims at contributing to a new materialist understanding of historical formations and machinic approaches to the ecologies of architecture, which he puts forward in his doctoral studies on “a genealogy of apartments”. He joined the editorial board of Footprint in 2016. 

Dirk van den Heuvel, Delft University of Technology

Dirk van den Heuvel is associate professor with the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft, and he heads the Jaap Bakema Study Centre at Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam. Books he co-authored include Team 10: In Search of a Utopia of the Present 1953–1981 (2005) and Architecture and the Welfare State (2014). He is also an editor of the publication series DASH, Delft Architectural Studies in Housing and was an editor of the journal Oase (1993–1999). Van den Heuvel was curator of the Dutch national pavilion for the Venice architecture biennale in 2014. In 2017 he received a Richard Rogers Fellowship from the Harvard University Graduate School of Design.


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